Lucy The Cat Christmas available

Lucy The Cat Christmas was published on October 26th and is now available as kindle e-book and also as paperback. Now Lucy The cat tells about her christmas habits and how she celebrates the holiday season. Many things happen before and during Christmas and Lucy The Cat participates in all things with her family.


Lucy The Cat And Little Kittens Bilingual

Lucy The Cat And Little Kittens Bilingual Japanese - English is now available as print and will be soon available also as #kindle e-book. Thanks to Sarah Ikeya-sans excellent translation this book can serve also as a reading material for a Japanese learners in addition to all cats lovers and kids.


Print is available of course from Amazon and from many other web book stores.




Lucy-Kissa ja pikku sisarukset

Lucy-Kissa ja pikku sisarukset on nyt saatavilla myös sähköisenä. Löytyy esim. Amazonilta ja Applen iBooks Storesta. Elisa ei kiirehdi tarjopntansa kanssa, mutta varmaan se sinnekin tulee lähipäivinä. Jostain syystä asiat Suomessa kestävät kauemmin kuin suuressa maailmassa.


Lucy The Cat Enters

Lucy The Cat starts now to use to share book news. Lucy The Cat has been very busy lately. Many projects have been going on. Of course Lucy The Cat needs some human help to write news and books, but the messenger is not so important. In the future you can find here what Lucy The Cat has told to the messenger. Messenger promise: "I will tell nothing but what Lucy The Cat has told me."

Right now Lucy is preparing her 4th Japanese - English bilingual book, planned to be published in October 2015. Can you wait that long? Name is Lucy The Cat And Little Kittens.

And the Finnish translation Lucy-Kissa ja pikku sisarukset has already arrived in some bookshop (print version) and e-book arrives also very soon.

Neljäs suomenkielinen Lucy-Kissa kirja Lucy-Kissa ja pikku sisarukset on juuri ilmestynyt ja myös sähkökirja on lähipäivinä saatavilla nettikirjakaupoista.